I will be ordering my first kilt real soon, in fact it will probably be today. I have gathered from reading posts here that one should be careful to match the color of ones shoes with the color of ones sporran and Belt. My question is, how agrevious an act is it to wear shoes of another color?
I'm thinking of ordering a SW nightstalker, and a black sporran and belt. The problem is, the only shoes I have that would be appropriate to wear with a kilt are brown. It also helps that these are my most comfortable shoes too. Most likely I will be wearing my kilt with a sweater or some othe type of garment that will hang a bit covering the belt, so only the sporran will be showing. Or, should I choose another tartan, perhaps the hunting McLeod, which will wear better with brown accessories?
Anyways, please advise if the sight of such a thing would cause one to vomit instantly.