Wow, big response.

Riverkilt: Luckily, the kilt I have is in the tartan I want (Hunting Ogilvie -- a family tartan, and a nice one at that). It's just big

ronstew: Well, if the choice is altering a tank or buying a cheap kilt, I'm opting for the alteration!

Canuck: Thanks for the offer, but I'm currently trying to drop a few pounds. Measurements are pretty much useless at this stage. I'm going to wait until at least September before I buy anything or get anything altered. Don't want to get something that'll be too big in a few months. But you are right: if I'm at Queen's, I need a kilt.

Blacksmith: That's incredible. Good kilt maker, student discount, within walking distance. I think this is my answer. Thank you so much!

cajunscot: Cha gheill! The next time I'm down that way, I'll pop in. But it looks like the guy in Kingston is my best bet for alterations.

Bob C.: Ha! Seriously, though, Stillwater is nice, but I want my first kilt in the family tartan. Call me a traditionalist.

Wompet: Wow, those are pretty nice for not being wool. But still, if a 5 yard costs ~$230 CDN, I'm probably better off getting the 8 yard wool altered.

Thanks, all. I appreciate it.