Your evolution in the kilt
I just had a thought. My first kilt was a Sportkilt, I first wore it casualy with a t-shirt, and boots. It looked fine. Then i dressed it up and wore it with a starched shirt bow tie, knee sox, flashes. and waist coat. And people said looked great.
Then I bought a more traditional cut, 3 buckle, 6 yard kilt.
I dress it up, and dress it down. and it looks great. Now, i would never go out in the Sportkilt. So as i look for a (Tank) and am researching all that goes with that traditional type. I worry, will i become a kilt snob? in other words. when all i had was a sport kilt, and i dressed it up, I felt like a million bucks. As soon as it was upgraded it's good looks were reduced in my mind. Anyone have a similar "evolution" Has your casual kilt become just an occupant in your closet? Bottom line: Are you a kilt Snob?
“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, taste the fruit, drink the drink, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” H.D. Thoreau