Haven't been around hear much but a question that involves my kilt wearing did arise at work recently which has sparked my return.

I am a parts runner for a plumbing company. Most of the time I am driving either my pickup or the company's little 5 speed ranger with a pipe rack, or waiting for the Will Call counter to pull the parts that in theory should have been pulled by the time I got there. When I deliver the parts it is usually to a construction site.

The other day one of the plumbers said that osha regulations require covered legs at construction sites (because of loose wireing and such) or I (or I guess the company, not sure on that point) could get a fine. I know I have seen people working in shorts and this is the first I have heard of this covered leg thing outside of a remodel we did for a local potato chip maker which I was told the regulations had to do with the food production, not the construction.

So anyway, I have looked around the osha site and the only references I have found to legs have to do with scaffolding and ladders. "Pants" gives quite a few results but nothing I can find is applicable. Was the guy misinformed or do I need to be wearing pants fulltime at work?

I should probably e-mail osha with this but I figured someone here might have already done the legwork.