Hello to all. Sorry about being so scarce on the forum for a while so I'll let you, firends all, in on my life other than kilts.

Time has becoome a real premium for me in the past few months. Decided to go back into night classes to make myself more marketable. In the break period now so will have a little time from that.

Work on the existing job has picked up quite a bit and demands a lot of time on the road keeping me at the wheel rather than the keyboard.

Last but by far the most important to me and the source of my requests. My eldest son, my pride and joy, my boy (Jacob, 30 years old) has been diagnosed with cancer of the umm, reproductive area. It's been quite a journy for all of us as you may well imagine. Thursday they took one of "the boys" and we are now awaiting the pathology results to determine which direction we go from here. He is scared to death but otherwise in good spirits and dear old dad has been giving all the support I can.

My requests... To those of you that pray, please...help! For those that don't, please keep him in your mind and think good thoughts. Last request...Guys check yourselves!!! If you find something unusual, get it checked out!!! He felt something that didn't feel quite right some time ago but never had it checked. Had he acted then perhaps his road would have been a little smoother.

I have missed being around all of you, hopefully I'll be on a little more as things slow down. To those who have PM'd me, I wasn't ignoring you, just haven't been on to check. I'll get back to you soon.

Take care all....Mike