Greetings all,
remember my thread from a while back about a work related party i attended kilted in order to win a bet with the vendor hosting the party...
ANYWAY, aside from winning a computer keyboard arm thing it looks like I GOT A NEW JOB OUT OF THE DEAL TOO!!!
<insert short happy dance break here>
I had interviewed with a company a couple years back but went to another firm over them as i thought it woud be a good opportunity - big mistake but i digress - anyway had kept in touch with the guys at said company as they were in mega-growth mode & said they were still interested. I kept running into one of the VPs from this company & he would suggest we talk as they were looking for a few good people. shortly after the kilted party he & I ran into each other again & he repeats the sugestion so i took his card and mulled calling.
A mututal friend met with him around about the same time and he was saying how they were looking for more people & she suggested he call me and sang my praises to him ad nauseum & then called me & ordered me to talk to him. which i did & set up an appointment to meet with him & the president of the company who i had yet to met....
anyway i go in for the interview with the big boss & the first thing he says is "WHERE IS THE KILT??" Apparently mr big boss was at the above mentioned party and saw me kilted & totally comfortable & casual about it, and was impressed by my 'gonadinal fortitude' at wearing it and being totally cool about it. Interview gets off to a great start then & there & just kept getting better. 2 more interviews and the deal was done. I start there on Thursday - still havent let my bosses at the current place of employment know but as soon as i do they will want to show me the door so no worries there. I am E-freaking-LATED at the new job & the new place - totally cool & casual & probably wouldnt bat an eye if i can in kilted one day (as long as i wasnt heading out to meet with clients0
now excuse me while i go outside to do a few back flips, somersaults and other gymnastic maneuvers that would get me arrested if seen by the wrong parties while regimental under the kilt !!!