From page 6 (Bens & Glens & Heroes) of the new Summer 06 edition of Scottish Life Magazine (article not found online):

(I had to re-type it from the magazine as I couldn't find it online... the article is complete but may contain a spelling or punctuation error or two)

New Scots Regiment may be wearing cheap foreign tartan:

Since few firms could produce woolen cloth to the high quality required, Robert Noble, a weaving company in the Scottish Borders, has made the tartan for the Scottish Regiments' cerimonial kilts for 150 years. But that may soon change. Last February, in an effort to cut costs, the ministery of Defense lowered quality standards for its new contract in order to attract bidders outside of the UK. Not surprisingly, the all but certain prospect of the Scots Regiment wearing low quality kilts from perhaps Pakistan or India has not gone down well. "The kilts are clearly going to be sub standard," said Jeremy Purvis, a member of Scottish Parliment for the borders. "Now there will be different cuts and shades on a parade and it will be an embarassment. The Cerimonial Scottish wear should absolutely be made in Scotland."