First of all, I'm brand new here and I must voice my admiration at you guys bravely forging this new frontier for all men. I don't have a kilt yet but I have been interested in this for years.

So....I was looking at another thread and someone mentioned when sitting you are supposed to take both hands and do a "butt sweep" to keep your pleats from getting wrinkled. Oh my goodness! I thought that was a "female" action and while I never knew why they did it I somehow thought men would never do it. If I ever wore a kilt I thought that would be a no-no.

What other mannerisms do male kilt wearers exhibit that many of us would associate with women? For instance, do you always sit with your legs together or crossed in such a way that no one can see anything?

It seems to me that you those of you who are "regimental" would be more concerned than women about showing all your secret in the world do you get in and out of cars, go up stairs, etc????

Inquiring minds want to know....
