As some of you know, I have some material arriving shortly from The House of Edgar; I'll be taking some of that to USA Kilts so that Kelly Stewart can make a fly plaid for me, for my October wedding. This will be the first and more than likely only fly plaid I'll ever own.

I've looked around at a ton of sites for an appropriate brooch to use but finding something I like hasn't been easy. Needless to say, I finally did find one (on eBay) that I like very much; the brooch is sterling silver and handmade in Ireland. Here's a photo of it:

Since it hasn't arrived yet I don't have better pics nor do I know how large the actual pin is; the brooch itself is about 2" long. When I get the brooch in the mail (it should be here by the end of this week), I'll take some better close-up shots and post them here.

I realize the brooch isn't very large compared to some of the other common circular brooches out there (which I don't like at all), but I think this one will look better and do what it's intended to do regardless of its shape and smaller size.

Here's my question: I've read [here] that some guys fasten their brooch through their fly plaid and their kilt jacket. Is this wise? I think with something this size, my best bet will be to fasten it at the epaulet on my left shoulder (through at least one layer of the fly plaid of course). Fastening it through my Brian Boru jacket just doesn't seem like a good idea...with my luck, I'll end-up in the emergency room having it removed.

Anyone with a fly plaid care to offer your thoughts? Thanks.