So, my tattoo artist left town over a year ago...and I'm jonesing for an endorphin rush from the needle.

Figured out a small tat to add to my collection and figure why not see what's up at Hart and Huntington while I'm in Las Vegas.

So, my lady goes off to her conference and I drive over to The Palms about 11am when Hart and Huntington opens. Figure it'd be slow and I could talk to an artist about the design.

When I get there I find a line of about 30 people backed up at the door of the tattoo parlor! Its 11 AM. There's a line.

Turns out that EVERYONE has to stand in line...even the folks there just to buy a hat or a t-shirt with their logo on it.

I figure, what the heck, I'm here. So I wait on line. In about a half an hour its my turn to talk to the lady who's triaging folks.

I show her my small piece of art. She quotes me a price of $250 and says I need to come back in four hours.

Though incredulous, I ask her what's happening. She says its like this every day at opening and that by the time she's through the line the day is booked solid for the artists - and the shop is open until 2 AM. They advertise they only take walk-ins. Well, there are no walk-ins after the line is triaged first thing in the morning.

Isn't fame a wonderful thing. I know I can have any two of price, quality, and service....but here price and service are already out the window and I've my doubts about quality with such I politely decline.

Now, I know the art I want (two crossed rock hammers, 2 1/2" in memory of my mispent youth working in the mines) would be about $100 max from my old artist. I'm not willing to pay an extra $150 just to say I had the tat inked at Hart & Huntington....though there's obviously a line of folks every day that are.

So I decide to check the yellow pages and sure enough tattoo artists abound in Las Vegas. I picked one that was easy to find - though we got lost looking for it. When I got there the artist quoted me $100 - so a fair price is available for tattoo shops that don't have their own television series. But then I noticed a "no plastic" sign. Now this tattoo shop has TWO advertisements in the yellow pages. Both feature the Visa and MasterCard logos, as if they welcome plastic. Would have got the tat if I'd had more cash....had the cash to pay for it but it would have left me short the rest of the vacation.

So, I took it as a sign that maybe I should forgo the impersonal Las Vegas inking and look into the Burley Fish guy Brad reccomended down in Flagstaff....even though the guy has been too busy to respond to email for a few weeks.
