Yes, it's true, and I don't really know how to break the news to you gently! You must be getting sick to death of my new kilts arriving. If it is any comfort, you will be able to sleep soundly tonight because no more are expected for four weeks or so......

Let me quickly tell you about No.66, and then I'll creep quietly back into the woodwork: OK, so it's the long awaited Snakeskin leather kilt from Howie at TFCK. The prolonged delay has been caused because matching skins were unavailable until very recently. Let me say right away that the 17 week wait has been well worth while! I really do not care if you think it looks odd or strange - it is simply GORGEOUS to wear. It is very light for a leather kilt and it 'moves' beautifully. At this point I must let you into a secret, but please do not tell anyone (!): it is not genuine snakeskin, but fine pigskin that has been textured and printed to feel and look like the real thing - it even has tiny scales. Five-and-a-bit skins were used in the construction of this super six-yarder!

It has been a busy day, but I rushed 'Tripod' to take some photos (I think you can tell that he hurredly snapped away without due care and attention, but he's promised me more lens-time at the weekend. You have been warned!) You might notice that I did manage to slip in a quick-change without him being aware of it. Right! So here they are: