Hello all,
In my ever constant research of my family names, I have found another cool website...THIS ONE!
In my spare time, I have been researching the genealogy of my last name and mother's maiden name ever since I was a kid, and thanks to the internet, I have found SO much more than I ever could have otherwise. Today, I have been trying to find the tartan for "Lysaght" and actually found a message posted in one of these forums over a year ago and was hoping to find that person. Someone named Cyndi from the Thistle Stop was commissioned to create a tartan for the Lysaght clan and I was hoping I may be able to contact her. I can't believe we don't have one (th' names ov'r tousand yrs ol'!) and was looking forward to seeing if she completed it. I don't know if anyone can help me but I would really appreciate it.
Thank you in advance and I hope I am not being too forward on the first post! I'm not up on "post etiquette" and am not sure if I am asking for help too soon since I just signed up! But I have found over the years that research on my own is really difficult, especially when I have a pretty rare last name and live in the US! All of my roots go back to Ireland, Scotland, and England without much in the way of book-keeping on the part of my ancestors! Thank goodness for Edward MacLysaght or I wouldn't know anything at all!!
Thank again and I look forward to chatting with you all!
Jm Lysaght (please excuse misspellings )