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  1. #1
    Join Date
    23rd January 04
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    Wearing the kilt is no big deal for me

    I have been wearing various style of kilts in the last few years and it had become a non-event for me. Whether it is a tartan or a contemporary cargo pocket kilt, it still hangs alongside with my trousers, jeans, and shorts. I don't really feel that my kilts are any more special than other bottoms.

    I know that I am not the first Asian person who have worn a kilt. I know there are a few Asian brothers in Vancouver who wear them. I am just one the many. I don't try to make a big deal in my community about my clothing choice. I wear what I want. I am comfortable in my suit as I am in my kilt. I don't believe clothes make me. I believe that my attitude makes me.

    I don't wear the kilt to show off the world that I am braver than other men, because I know I am not. I still don't have the guts to wear pink or leather pants. I know that I would not wear a wife beater as outter wear as well.

    In the world of fashion, we are going to make the choices that we want. As individual, I don't see a point to push my fashion sence to other people. Some people are not going to like what I have to represent. I am okay with that. I don't want to convert anyone that doesn't want to be convert. I like to walk my own paths.

    Call me crazy, but I once worn my kilts for 2 weeks straight and I was dying to put on a pair of shorts. It is because my life is about variety. I cannot just wear one thing all the time.

    I know there are more than a few members who do not think wearing the kilt is a big deal or have the burning desire to wear the kilt all the time. For instant, we had a 'kilted greet and meet' last summer and one guy showed up wearing his shorts. He didn't see the point of changing out his shorts for a kilt, because he was wearing his short the whole day. We also had out of town guests who were in their kilts, but he wasn't going to wear his kilt to fit in. It was a case of lets meet the person, and not the person's clothes.

    Kilts are just the extension of our heritage and/or personality. No more. No less.
    Last edited by Raphael; 3rd September 06 at 01:10 PM.


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