Hell-o all,

Just to let you know what has been happening to me the last few weeks.

Went to the opening of the new Art Museum here in town all decked out in my Kilt (cannot remember which one thought) completely enthralled by the architecture, but more importantly people were enthralled by my Kilt.

Went to an open house for some charitable work I am doing, all the big shots from all over the place were in attendance. Of course in my Kilted attire.

An art show opening for a friend of mine who always likes me to show up Kilted as she says lends an air of dignity to the show.

A soccer (football) game of course while donning my Kilt.

Walking by some "trouble makers" as my Grandmother would call them, Kilted. No disrespect at all.

Met a bunch of High School kids who were glad to see that I was expressing my individuality in my Kilt.

Why am I saying all this you may ask, it is because if one wears his Kilt with dignity and honor it will be shown back at them where ever they go.

Sorry I have been out of pocket of late, I have been lurking and would have responded to what has been asked or stated, but I see that others were expressing my thoughts, and did not feel like I should be redundant.