My wife’s adult daughter and 2 baby girls (1 ½ & 3 ½) have come to live with us for an undetermined amount of time. The husband in this arrangement is oop: and needs a :buttkick: He is not abusive, he is just too lazy to go to work and support a wife & 2 daughters. He spends every waking hour playing on-line combat games. A job interferes with gaming. So she said “Bye!" :redmad:

The daughter knows I wear kilts, but has never seen me in one. Saturday afternoon my wife & I were getting ready for the opera. As I stepped out of the bedroom the girl was walking through the hall. She stopped and pointing to the kilt, “I like that Dave.” I responded, “I wish your mom did.” About that time my wife came into the hall from the living room. The daughter looked at her mother in disbelief and said “Mom, I can’t believe you don’t like men in kilts!” Maybe the girl can change her mom’s attitude. That would make me happy.