well what can I say .....I sit here still in shock .....my pipes lay in about 25 pieces across the floor .......and all I wanted to do was clean up the ferrels and make them shiny again...........

I have done this plenty of times before....I guess I just wasnt paying enough attention, or something
I was using the buffing wheel and some jewlers rouge to clean up my pipes, I was on the second to last ferrel.... the bag ( stocks) were done ....both tenors... I was on the top section of the bass....almost done........ok done......go to pull away from the buffing wheel, and the drone cord came forward and caught on the buffing wheel :crap: .....needless to say I gotta buy new sticks and contrary to popular belief polypenco pipes ARENT indestructable....oh and now my E finger is twice the size of all the rest of my fingers..

I do this to share my stupidity not ask for advice or armchair quarter backing I know I F*#$ed up and now I'm gonna pay for it ....760.00 to be exact....so much for playing at X-mas time.....I guess even though its a royal pain in the @$$ next time I am gonna pull off the cords COMPLETELY.....yeah ...I know hindsight 20/20

I picked a bad week to decide to quit tobacco (6 days btw )

live and learn huh?