Things warmed up around here today and the sun came out, so being on vacation went hiking in my new RAF Tartan kilt. Got some better pics in the sunlight.

Can't see it in the pic but there is a maroon highlight stripe in the tartan so the maroon hose sorta work.

Here's a good pic of the pleat swing in a hand sewn 16 oz kilt by a skilled kiltmaker like Kathy Lare.

And here's a pic of Kathy Lare's perfect pleatwork. Looks like I have the kilt on backwards.

That's the top of the Glen Canyon of the Colorado River in the background. The Paria River Canyon is the next one over. And the Vermillion Cliffs are in the distant background.

On vacation, break in the weather, hiking the canyonlands in a new 16 oz hand sewn is good for this olde man.
