Quote Originally Posted by auld argonian View Post
I remember seeing Jacques Pepin on TV once and he was describing the physical changes that occur when things are cooked different ways...it was pretty remarkable.

Suprised, though, that no one over here in the 'States hasn't figured out a way to either toss the things on the grill or knock one up in one of those turkey deep-fryers.

WARNING!!!! As I think of it, a haggis would probably EXPLODE if you tried to cook it in a freestanding deep-fryer!!!! IT WAS A JOKE!!!! DON'T TRY IT!!!

I love my deep fat fryer. Several turkeys have been sacrificed to the peanut oil. But whatever you fry, Must be dry. Water or other liquids are the bane to the fry pot. Be Careful. the recipe for Haggis sounds like there is too much fluid to be deep fried. But.....can the recipe be modified?