Hi all !!!

I´m writing this message from a cybercafe in Mendoza, Argentina to report that I´m still alive after I went kilted totally alone in downtown Mendoza.

My first kilted experience were in my host family, my brother in law´s brother where I tested the family reaction to see me kilted.

Their reaction were totally positive and they admited that I looked realy neat in that outfit. I had good time explaining to them the reasons for a non Scot to be kilted and they were very pleased after I gave them a crash course on kilts.

The biggest concern was from my sister who was scared to see me going alone kilted. She was concerned about the fact that people would beat me because of their defeat in the Falkland war.

After a cautious poll with local people I took the calculated risk of going kilted downtown Mendoza. I did it on dec 24th and everything went flawlessly.

People whissled at me in the distance, other looked at me if I was an extra terretrial but the majority of people were indifferent.

I went to the independence square and a lot of local people asked me many questions but not the classic one. I enjoyed that experience explaining in spanish my motivations.

I was proud to come back home and tell my sister that I was still alive.