Really is twice the pain.

One Batkilt™ from RKilts, and now one custom Industrial Kilt from Freedom Kilts. Never in my life have I jonesed for two kilts at once. There should be some kind of posted warning around here about this kind of syndrome, this is HORRIBLE. I seriously can't take this.

Somebody please make the jonesing stop. I keep going by Rkilts and now Fkilts websites and looking at pictures I have already seen to many times when I should be crocheting Dirk's hat.

My wife walked out and left me (to go do the laundry) because I wouldn't shut up about how cool a coffee brown kilt would be. She accused me of having my beard in a knot.

It is so bad that I have even been talking to the dog about it and the birds too.

And now all of you.