My goal. Get the kilt to be a common sight and show the general public that kilts are everyday sort of wear. And that people wearing them are every day common folks, normal folks, with families and kids and what not.

What I would really like to do is invade the Greenville Zoo. I'd like for a big kilt night, er, kilt day. In broad daylight. During the cooler weather of the winter months on one of our nice 50 or 60 degree days. I'd like for a large turn out, a get together, of families. With kilts. Dads in kilts... Little boys in kilts. Women in kilted skirts. Little girls in kilted skirts. Or whatever works of course.

I'd really like for this to happen, I believe that events like this one could in some small way lead to more acceptance of kilts in this area.

Opinions, thoughts, ideas, feelings? I'd really like to hear from somebody on this isssue.

Who's with me?