30 days
Today marks 30 days in a kilt for me. I last wore pants on December 20. It sure gets normal-feeling fast. When I get up the question isn't pants or kilt, but which kilt. I need a couple more to get variety. Three woolies and a UK just aren't enough. Maybe I should strive for one kilt for each pair of pants I give to Goodwill.
Oh, I'll keep some for such activities as weed whacking, ditch digging, and public meetings where the Gov't would prefer it was about the subject and not my clothing. But I'll be flying to Park City in my UK tomorrow and hope to keep out of pants (except for skiing) for the week I'm there.
Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)
Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.