So I'm sitting here wearing almost exactly what I wore to our office Christmas party at the beginning of December... Black dress shirt with french cuffs, nice blue striped tie, black dress shoes... But there's one major difference. I wore worsted wool, custom tailored dress pants to my office party since they are extremely anti-kilt... tonight, awaiting my wife to doll herself up for DFW's Burns Supper, I am kilted in my USAK Casual Clark... and it makes a world of difference. I am so comfortable compared to that night nearly 2 months ago... heck, I don't even mind the tie so much (not that there's a snowball's chance in hell that I'd start wearing one on a regular basis)!

Anyway, this is my first time out kilted and "dressy" so I just thought I'd share what a world of difference it makes to wear a kilt in yet another situation in my life!