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  1. #1
    Panache's Avatar
    Panache is offline
    Retired Forum Manager
    Gentleman of X Marks

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    24th February 06
    San Jose, California
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    Regarding Announcements in the Celebration Zone

    Hello All,

    The question of why someone has not been recognized for advancement has come up a few times in the last week. I thought it might help if the members of our forum understand the process a little bit so no one will feel that they are being slighted.

    starbkjus, KiltedCodeWarrior, and now myself cover the "Celebration Zone" on different days of the week (and give each other a hand the rest of the time).

    The birthdays are easy. We can look to the calendar and prepare to announce them ahead of time. Members that haven't visited the forum for a significant amount of time are not recognized. We would like the cheers to be meaningful and go out to active X Markers.

    Dee, Rob, and I each run a report on our day, of the new promotions. This report shows members who have posts within a certain range both below and above the rank. This way we know who to keep an eye on to announce their promotion. If someone is a prolific poster it is easy for them to skip through this range and not be seen on the report. This can become more complicated if you think about the time zones involved. I'm here in Californa starting one day when X Marks the Scot Member X is finishing up the same day in Far East.

    We three house chairmen truly enjoy giving recognition to those that have contributed to our Forum. It is never our intent to exclude anyone.

    To all those out there that achieved a new rank without fanfare please accept my apologies. Your contributions make this a great place to be.

    If you see that you or someone else has advanced in rank in the last 24 hours and hasn't received due credit, please feel free to drop a pm to any one of the three of us. We certainly appreciate the help.

    To all the Kilted Newbies, Members, Samurai, Warriors, Gentry, Nobles, Elders, Legends, Grand Defenders of the Kilt, and those beyond I doff my plumed hat.

    Cheers to you and my thanks for your understanding.
    Last edited by Panache; 12th February 07 at 07:57 AM.
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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