Last night the Luminous Joan and I went to a local theatre/club to hear Mollys Revenge and Tempest. MR is a very traditional ceileidh band, while Tempest is very much Celtic Rock. An Irish couple, quite young (early 20's) sat down on stools next to us. They proceeded to finish off a number of beers.

The young lady asked me a couple of questions during Mollys Revenge's set, and we chatted a bit. Mind you, it's somewhat dark and she's next to me on my right, with Joan on my left. there's not a lot of room here, so we're bumping shoulders a lot.

Well, after about the fourth Tempest tune, I feel a hand on my right knee, and it rather quickly proceeded upwards. When it encountered cotton under the PV, it stopped and I laughed and said rather loudly...

"Sorry to disappoint you....out with the Wife, don't you know?"

.........and let it go at that. I found it amusing, actually.