Ok, some local forum members (y'all know who ya' are) expressed getting together at a "like minded" event or venue, others were just hankering for a kilt night, so here goes;

Brian O'Neill's, which is a very nice pub (ask Livingston) that I go to all the time in the Rice Village area has a annual "Sexy Kilt Contest", This year it is on Tuesday, March 13 at 8PM. There are generally at least a dozen kilties at this deal, (one of the few times a year there are more than 1 or 2 kilts in there) it's always lots of fun, if only for the live action "Kilt Do's and Don'ts"

I always go to it, but I do not participate anymore, since there is a 'dance element' to the contest, and my middle-aged *** cannot compete with the youngsters at that! I try to dress up a little and just hang around, grab a bite, drink some beer, chat up the ladies, and heckle the contestants. int: Last year I met some really nice lads from Scotland who bought all my beers!

So come on out, I know its on a weekday, but you got plenty notice, and it starts early. If my 75 year old Dad can make it, you can too!

See you there!, somebody bring a camera!

Brian O'Neill's Pub, 5555 Morningside Dr. Tuesday 03/13 8PM
