I've been trying to do some research for a reenactment group I volunteer with. Thought this would be the place to ask.

We've found a number of Scottish and Irish immigrant military units during the American Civil war. Post Civil War many of these units broke apart or reformed into Westward heading Army units. This is the time period I'm looking for. We're wanting to make our clothing match as close as possible to some of the kilted regiments, but can't find a good written description or pictures would be even better of what the uniform looked like.

What I know so far:
Most wore a Kilt of the their family, or regiment. Civil War 56th Infantry out of N.Y. wore Campbell.
Many used Brittish Army or Boar War era off white pith helmets.
U.S. Army brass buckle and wide set black leather belt
Kilt Hose was Brittish army fashioned

What I can't find but have a vague description of:
The Standard Issue Blue Wool Overcoat was modified to more closely resemble the Scottish Pipers Coat.

What does that mean? I want to find a better description than that.
The goal is to have about 10-12 of them made.

Any help or place to guide me would be most appreciated. Thanks.
