A couple of weeks ago I let out that my nephew was getting married in June. Now, as Paul Harvey would say, "Now, for the rest of the story".

My 24 year old nephew had always wanted to be married in Scotland. Unfortunately, his and his fiancees finances would not allow it. So, they decided on a New Mexico mountain wedding. Once I got into kilts, I asked him why not bring the highlands to NM. He thought that was a great idea. So he contacted Kathy Lare and has arranged for the full boat PC's to be worn by him and his groomsmen.

Since my nephew had never worn a kilt, my wife and I decided to surprise him with an outfit he could get used to prior to the wedding. So we sent him a stillwater black Stewart kilt, hose, a nightstalker sporran, strap, and an economy belt and buckle from celtic croft.

Last evening, while talking to my folks, my father let slip that my nephew now wears the kilt every evening after work. He comes home from doing custom cabinet installs, takes a shower and dons the kilt! He says it is the most comfortable thing he has ever worn (didn't we all already know that??). Funny part is, my father says he even wears it bowling!!!

Now for the really sneaky part. I have ordered two kilts in the MacKinnon tartan. An ancient hunting and a 1842 MacKinnon red. My nephew does not know it yet, but he will be wearing the red tartan for his wedding!

Families can be such a source of entertainment, I can not wait to see his eyes when we present that to him!