Coming in late on this, but Rocky...well said, very well said.

I hope the future is more men in kilts, however they look.

Quote Originally Posted by RockyR View Post
This is exactly the point that Steven V. (UK), Robert (R-Kilts), Steve (FK), Bear (Bear kilts), Me (USAK) etc. talk about... the more people wearing kilts, the more people see kilts, the more accepted they become, the more people have the guts to wear them. If someone's wearing something that's a "lessor quality" kilt (in your opinion), don't insult them... educate them and / or talk to them. They may have a "tank" at home. They may be alergic to wool. They may be a poor college kid that spent his last $100 on the only kilt he could afford. They may be the owner of the company's kilt their wearing!

While all of the people mentioned above have a STAKE in whether or not kilts succeed on a "mass market scale", this is a market with a pretty frickin' open door policy. I've shared dinner with Robert (RK), Barb T and Steve (FK). I've had Steven V. (UK) sleep on my couch. I've sent people to Mike Butler (AK) and Jerry (SWK). I've gotten several customers from Jeff's (PK) website referrals. How many other industries can say that company owners interact like that?

Bottom line... we're all in it to have fun, make a living (not to be RICH, but to have a few dollars in our pockets) AND promote kilt wearing, even if we don't have what the person is looking for. The more people wear kilts, the more people want to wear them. It's a catch 22 (to a degree). No one likes to be the first one... the one that gets pointed at. However, with brave and confident individuals like we have here, we can help start the trend as DAILY WEAR.