Excellent work! I feel your pain. The first corduroy kilt I made took forever, or so it seemed. You will notice if you get the naps missaligned. It will show in the light but if you feel the fabric, brush it in one direction, you can feel the nap as well as see it. Give it a try. I have buried the joins in the pleats with no problems. It seems to me, that on mine, they just end up there naturally most of the time. Good luck on sewing in the hem. It is best to cut corduroy rather than rip it, as you can see, from your pics, it left a rippled edge. this stretch will increase the length of that hem. Spritz it with water and use your steam iron to get it to lay flat before you attempt to sew in the hem. It will make the hem flatter and the pleats lay flatter when you get them in. Also be prepared for the bulk you will get when youget the pleats in.

When you get to the pleats it is going to be really thick and difficult to get under the presser foot. Be patient and go slowly and have alot of extra needles on hand! This stuff is slippery and can get away from you as you may have found out when joining it together.

I have read, with interest, your past posts. It impresses me that so many are starting to make thier own kilts. The pleasure and pride from wearing your own handmade kilt is immeasurable. More should take it up and give it a try.

Keep up the good work.