I run a Scottish dancing club, and the men all come in kilts.
Yesterday, an Englishman, a regular member, arrived in trousers!

I asked why. He said, dead serious, that since his wife was unwell and stayed at home, he could not face wearing his kilt unaccompanied.

I offered to hold his hand next time, but he did not seem to think that would do ( ;-)

Is this the way you Xmarkers feel about kilt-wearing?
Do you have to be accompanied to appear in public? (by a female to prove you are not gay? is that it?)

If the fellow in question had a long walk through poorly lit streets, I might have felt a little more sympathy, but he comes by car, door to door!!!

A short while ago, another fellow drove some 150 kms to join in our dancing. It was still wintry, but he wore shorts for the journey and changed on arrival, and before departure to return home. The usual excuse for this is they don't want to spoil their kilts, but I really think it is the fear of having to stop on route and being seen kilted.

Martin (not fearless, by any means, just thick-skinned)