I somehow hammered out a rather pathetic job application. As I did so, I realised how stagnated my life has become. My last real job was working at a gas station as a store clerk. That place got robbed every single weekend. Didn't get robbed the entire time I was working there. Nobody dared... But that is beside the point. I was sick then, and trying to get better, that was back in, what, 97? My health took a dive and I had to quit completely. Before that, I did a little security work in a video poker casino. (Before those went busted in SC)

So, no job experience in over 10 years. Contacts? What are those? I didn't even know who to list as contacts, references, etc. I have few friends. Well, I have you folks, but I don't know your contact information, and I somehow doubt I could use you as references. It is to late now anyway. Do I know how to drive? Do I have a license? No to both. This somehow feels worse than when you fill out your very first job application for the very first time and you have no clue what you are doing, or are about to get your self in to. Do you have an active social life... Oh hell. What is that? Oh sure, a few kilt nights here and there, but I really don't even know if those really count as a "social life." Family contacts... I didn't dare list any of my family as contacts. That's a bad idea just waiting to happen. Describe your social life... To do that, I'd have to have one first.

You know, if I was an employer, I don't think I'd hire me either. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go find a nice hole in the ground to crawl in to and die.

Filling out all those pages really took the wind out of my sails. I am sure most of you have been here at one time or another... How did you get out?