Hi guys,

For any of you who may be attempting to access my web site, it went down sometime yesterday due to having exceeded my monthly bandwidth alottment.

Now, this happened to me once before as my site was growing in popularity and getting more traffic. The fix was easy. I just bought more bandwidth and the site was back up within minutes. At the time, I thought I was buying enough bandwidth to handle the growth in popularity of my site.

However, this time it's a little weird. Without giving away specific traffic stats, my bandwidth use has been slowly increasing, more or less doubling over the course of the year... untill now.

During the month of March, it looks like my bandwidth use has jumped up by a factor of 10! This is unprecidented. Especially since I have done nothing out of the ordinary to promote my site this month.

So I'm in contact with my "people" now about this (sounds like an H&R Bloc commercial, I know, but I have "people"). If my site really has suddenly become this popular, great. I'll be buying more bandwidth space. But if this is a technical glitch, or something more sinister like a hacker attack or something, they should be able to tell me what happened. And that will be fixed, too.

So, either way, my site should be back up soon. We're working on it. Thanks for being patient.

FYI, this is for my personal web site, www.albanach.org, and any dependant sites (like kilts.albanach.org or blog.albanach.org).

The Scottish Tartans Museum web site, www.scottishtartans.org, as well as its gift shop site, giftshop.scottishtartans.org, are completely unaffected. They are up and running perfectly fine.
