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Thread: New Sgian Dubh

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Abax New Sgian Dubh 11th April 07, 07:05 PM
Scott Gilmore Very handsome. Certainly not... 11th April 07, 07:18 PM
ccga3359 Truly wonderful workmanship.... 11th April 07, 07:22 PM
mang1974 Congrats! As I've mentioned... 11th April 07, 07:59 PM
SoldierSpike Wow, that's just, wow! Marc 11th April 07, 08:18 PM
turpin That's truly a work of art! ... 11th April 07, 08:19 PM
jordanjm I really like the midgard... 11th April 07, 09:14 PM
Tattoo Bradley A knife any man would be... 11th April 07, 09:32 PM
Panache There is just one word to... 11th April 07, 09:37 PM
Doc Just WOW! That is a fine... 12th April 07, 12:14 AM
Kilted KT great looking sgain there! 12th April 07, 05:41 AM
Arlen That's absolutely beautiful. 12th April 07, 05:59 AM
Splash_4 That is very nice! 12th April 07, 06:17 AM
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    New Sgian Dubh

    I just received my custom sgian dubh from Rab Gordon of Loch Ness Origins yesterday. It sure is beautiful! Here's the sgian dubh in its presentation box:

    Rab created the original Midgard artwork on the leather sheath after I showed him a photo of a 7th century stone brooch depicting the Midgard serpent. In Norse mythology, Thor battled the Midgard serpent at sea, believing he killed it with a blow from his hammer. The serpent is thought to still live under the sea, encircling the earth as it bites its tail.

    Midgard serpents are also engraved on the silver ferrule, each serpent biting the tail of the next. The blade is bird's eye Damascus steel about 3¼" long. The overall length is 7". The knife is light with the balance point right over the ferrule. The ebony handle is comfortable with my first three fingers wrapped around it. The polished cutting edge is at the bottom of the picture opposite the jimping on the top edge.

    Here is a close-up showing the blade and ferrule in greater detail. For those of you wishing your sgian dubh was sharp, Rab supplied this one sharp. The only modification I made to the cutting edge was to polish the primary angle through a few grades up to 2000 grit. I followed up by dressing the secondary cutting angle with one of my very fine diamond stones. Apart from allowing the knife to cut very easily, the narrow polished band along the cutting edge looks pretty sharp.

    Finally, here's a close-up of the ebony handle. The wood is very dense and the carving seems flawless. A silver stud tops the handle.

    Thanks for a great job Rab! Your work is magnificent and I'll be wearing it with pride.

    Last edited by Abax; 11th April 07 at 07:13 PM.

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