StarKilt? You say you've never heard of a StarKilt?

Well......a StarKilt (sorry AlanH, but that's how it's referred to in my house) is essentially an x-kilt made for you by somebody named Star. Duh!

ok, you all got to see it being constructed here
corduroy x-kilt

and you all got to see it being worn by AlanH and Xena here
Belmont kilt night

but now you get to hear about it from the person it was built for. Yes built...not sewn. This thing is hardcore and the word "sewn" doesn't convey the right sentiment. It was constructed! the color. It's cool! I'm not sure if it shows in the pics or not but it's a really velvety charcoal grey. In some light it looks almost silver.
A perfect "non-color" that will work with all different colored accessories.
Today I took it for a test drive at work. Since I work at a cd store, I paired it up with navy blue kilt hose scrunched down, a navy blue t-shirt, brown boots and brown Cavscout belt. Very casual and laid back.
The pics make the belt look redder than it is. They match better in real life.

The weight and swing.... I wear cord pants and they aren't particulalry heavy so I dind't expect the kilt to be as beefy as it is. It's quite heavy actually. In thinking about it....since it's box pleated, the fell area is essential three layers thick. Strapped on it feels good and sturdy around your body. Swing factor is about what you'd expect from a contemporary kilt, not swingy like a heavy wool, but there's definite swish goin' on.

Actual construction... very very well done. Like a good pair of work jeans, there is lots of bar tacking at stress points and all the seams are tight and true. The FH-C.A.G. used a nice wide strip of velcro to hold the aprons closed (which would have been enough) but then added a pair of snaps as well for that extra bit of security.

Fit... AMAZING!! This is the best part of the whole thing. Up until this point all of my kilts have been "off the rack." This one however was built to my measurements. It fits fantastic and is the only kilt I can wear comfortably without a belt. You can see by the pics that the length is perfect too. When wearing it right on my navel it hits just above the knee.

The StarKilt has instantly become my favorite kilt in my meager kollection.

here's the front

here's a look at the side...sorry it's fuzzy but the stripes in the cords made the camera do funny things in this pic for some reason

here's a better lit pic of the front. I'm standing on the last pile of snow in my yard.

take a look real close at the apron. Can you see a little detail right where a kilt pin would be? That's a pair of little white emboidered "stars." Appropriate huh! That detail really made me smile.
And that's not all, there is a pair of matching stars in red on the under apron. *gives the FH-C.A.G. a high-five*

conclusion.....if somebody named Star ever offers to build you an x-kilt.
SAY YES!! You'll get far, far more than you ever expected. In fact, you may even get a little surprise in the box from somebody named Jamie. *wink*

Cloves open a bottle of Stella, sits back, and breathes deep. Life is good.