I just wanted to thank everyone here, as I have been kilted fulltime now for just over a month. This is largely because of the encouragement, and guidance that I have received from all of you.

There have been some amazing things because of this, I find myself getting closer to some of my relitives, my Aunt Jean has been giving me suggestions for my next tartan (like I needed the help), she was telling me that to honour my namesake, her husband McMurdo, that I should get myself a MacDonald, or a MacPherson next.

Of course some people are not as comfortable wih this latest development as I, my younger brother owns a high-end Menswear store he has said that unless I am wearing pants I am banned from his store, ah well he does not sell the kilt anyway.

The people I work with have just accepted it, they just say oh thats just the kilt guy. Yesterday one of my coworkers asked if I would be wearing anything shorter for the summer, all in good fun mind you, my answer was
"You dont want to see me in a shorter kilt", then I let him think about it.
I have found that I don't get near the amount of comments that I used to the people at my local coffee shop smile when I enter in the morning, my nephew asked me to order him a kilt.

All in all it has been a very positive experience, and I guess my point is that without the support of this forum and those who have travelled this road before me I am not sure that I would have had the courage to be kilted everyday. I have also found that I am getting to know myself more I am comfortable and I have a certain pride that I did not have before this experience.

The one dark side is that I have an addictive personality, and now I need more kilts so I guess I'm in the right place.

My name is Glen and I'm a kiltaholic.