Quote Originally Posted by SnakeEyes View Post
Its been said already, but the surprise was a bad idea. We men have a habit of just doing things we think are cool and not really thinking about how the women in our lives feel. Imagine, for instance, if she had announced 5 minutes before an outing that she was going out in her scivvies (I know, a bit of a radical comparison). Say she just went on her merry way, not showing any consideration for your feelings. How would you react?
I'm sorry, I just don't have that much compassion for her. It's more like, imagine if you were a 1950's era husband and your wife had just announced that she was wearing a pair of pants to a dinner/other social outing. One comparison shows how she feels, the other is more accurate. The surprise in any of these situations is wrong, but the kilt situation and the pants situation are the parallels. In my not so humble opinion, any woman who tries to keep a man crammed into pants needs to be laced into a corset and a tight fitting dress until she remembers the trouble that women had getting pants for women to be socially acceptable.