Quote Originally Posted by Bob C. View Post
How'd the 1996 World Series feel?

Actaully,the COOLEST moment of all the baseball I've seen was the introductions of game 1, in Atlanta-Fulton County.
When Joe Torre was intoduced, he got a spontanious STANDING OVATION. The ONLY time I remember that a group of fans gave the OPPOSING MANAGER a standing ovation.

Joe was a former Braves player and was their manager for years of frustration (both Joe and his brother Frank played for the Atlanta Crackers minors in Atlanta and for the Braves).
The series itself was the second closest series (just a tad under the Twins) that the Braves SHOULD have won. I saw ALL the games in Atlanta.

In my closet is also a Braves cap with the 1996 World Series patch on the side. I am PROUD of that one. Every time I wear it (or even look at it), I remember that ovation.

THAT was also the series that made me HATE many (NOT all) of the Yankee fans (they were just obnoxious and brought out the biggest Atlanta idiots too, and John Rocker-> Idiot Supremo).