Okay, so I can here it coming, I told you so, but everyone has to learn it themselves. First off I had never heard it, but apparently as soon as I strapped on my kilt everyone I had ever met was attracted to where I went. I saw a coworker and four other people I met in school. I really didn't have a super negative experience but I did have an incident with two...larger women. They were bickering about some odd subject when as soon as I walked in front of them, silence abounded. After that they burst into snickering, I wish I would have caught what they were saying. The only negative part about my kilted e
experience was that I that I STRONGLY disliked wearing ghillies. For some reason they insisted in coming untied five times per shoe. I finally ended the problem though by double knotting them, but doesn't that look nerdy? What other tidbits of knowledge can you pass on about starting the addiction?
