Two handsome men, in kilts, a sight not often seen in the streets of Grenoble.

After spending some time ordering kilts and pins over the net with a friend, we took the tram to town for a pint.

First question, in the tram: Are you two theatre actors?
"No, why?" (innocently).
The questioner said the klits looked nice, but was unable to conceal his mirth.

In the street various people asked if there was a festival or something.

And of course, a man came up and said "May I ask you a question?" (Here comes the inevitable, I thought)
"You can ask, but you may not get a reply" I said.
The man went on "What is the name of the big Italian island near Corsica?"
I was struck dumb.

Perhaps the French were too worried about the election results to concentrate on anything else.
