I just found this forum. I have been looking for some first hand experience ,As I return to my kilt after a long absence.
When I was serving in the U.S. Army 25 years ago. Some of my Fellow Soldiers and I who all shared common Scottish roots ,Took to wearing our Kilts when we had a chance to make it off the base. And we were very rough in our kilt wearing. A wool army blanket cut to size with corse pleats and a pistol belt to hold it up. And our combat boots. We found that some of the girls were interested in our pride as Scottsman.
Not a lot but some. As for the other guys,we only got in two fist fights while we were kilting. They were great days. So now I have gotten another kilt ,And I will start out by taking it to our local highland games in two weeks.
I am signed up for the events. But I am still very new to most of the traditions. But I do know how to toss my caber. I have been practiceing.
Thank's for letting me be a part of your form. I will try to be a good member and stay on topic.