Quote Originally Posted by Colin View Post
There are a few more games going on around the same time, so if anyone is interested:

British Columbia

June 9 - Sons of Scotland Games
South Delta Senior Secondary Scool Oval eteamz.active.com/sonsofscotland/indec.cfm?

June 16 - BC Legion Highland Gathering; Campbell River (gotta Give'r!) www.highlandgathering.ca/index.htm.

June 30 - BC Highland Games (see above)

July 14 - Kamloops Highland Games; Albert McGowan Park (no website)


June 10 - Grand Prairie Highland Games www.gphighlandgames.com

June 23 - Red Deer Highland Games www.reddeerhighlandgames.ca

June 24 - Edmonton Highland Games; Grant MacEwan Park (no website)

August 25 - High River Highland Games www.highriverhighlandgames.com

September 1 - Calgary Highland Games www.calgaryhighlandgames.com

September 2 - Canmore Highland Games www.canmorehighlandgames.co (I have always wanted to go to this one)


June 2-3 - Bellingham Highland Games www.bellinghamhighlandgames.org

June 23 - Tacoma Highland Games www.tacomagames.org

July 14-15 - Skagit Valley Highland Games www.sshga.org

July 28-29 - Pacific NW Highland Games www.sshga.org


July 20-21 Portland Highland Games www.phga.org

List courtesy of the May issue of the Celtic Connection - Proudly Serving Celts in North America Since 1991 http://www.celtic-connection.com/
Also the Spokane Highland Games on August 4, 2007