I hate spam! I have hundreds of e-mail addresses (easy when you have your own mail server), and allocate different ones for each activity. This way I get to monitor how spammers get hold of my e-mail address.

I received a spam from TartanWeb.com today. I've never had any dealings with TartanWeb, and the e-mail address they contacted me on was the separate e-mail address I use for my UK Paypal payments (never used for correspondence). It is quite obvious, therefore, that they have obtained the e-mail address from a third party who I have ordered from. Because I only use this e-mail address for payments, and not as the contact e-mail, there is no chance I gave it as the contact e-mail address for an order, and in particular that I accidentally ticked the 'allow third parties to e-mail me' box.

I've e-mailed TartanWeb to point out that they are in breach of Regulation 22 of the UK Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations. It'll be interesting to see if/how they defend themselves. It's interesting that Regulation 30 of the same rules states that I can claim compensation from them (a free kilt?).

I never really understand this sort of behaviour in general. By spamming me they've garanteed that I'll knock them down the list of potential suppliers in future.