Man, seems like I never get on here anymore.

A friend of mine made me a wonderful X-Kilt out of black denim, and it looks great... but I don't like it with tall socks. I'd prefer some kind of boots. I remember about 3 years ago I met a guy who regularly wore a black UK (which is kinda what my X-Kilt looks like) and he had these lace up boots that went up to about an inch under his knee-cap. They were kinda medieval I guess, but the ones on Kilts-N-Stuff don't look quite like what I remember.

Anywho, if anybody has suggestions for renaissance or medieval boots that would look good with a kilt, please post. I'd like to get them in black. As an aside, has anybody tried those pirate type boots that fold over at the top? I've only ever seen them paired with p*nts, so I have no idea whether that fold would look incredibly stupid or not.

And no, I don't believe that it's ALL a matter of personal preference. Some things don't look good on anybody...