Alan says it's not an X kilt anymore......

Quote Originally Posted by Alan H.
Well, it sounds to me like you've advanced beyond
making an X-Kilt and are just "making a kilt"!
Well, after my last go 'round CLICKITY-CLICK with that godforsaken spandex laden fabric, I decided to get away from solids and go for it with a nice piece of cotton/rayon blend I purchased on Ebay for a few bucks. It's actually two sided upholstery fabric, but I liked the looks of it for an "outdoorsy" kilt.

The MacCouch Tartan!!

It even came with a selvage edge

I measured out my length and added a bit for fraying at the top.

And began to tear the fabric, deciding that if it works for everyone else, it should work for me. Because I'm going to use knife pleats and pleat this kilt to the stripe (Unless I've confused my terms again.) and I only have a bit more than 3 yards of material, I need to seam it somewhere for more length. I'm not sure exactly as of now, but I think I'll do it at the inner fold of the deep apron pleat. I'm going to have 24-25, 1" reveal knife pleats.

The resulting pile of fabric.

Since I have the stripe to go by, I'm not laying out anything other then the fell line so I know how far up to press the pleats. I'm not going to have much taper since the difference in the rear and waist measurements is only three inches. Here's the first few pleats pressed in.

Well, this is all I did last night. I've got half of the pleats finished and pinned for storage. I am noticing a bit of a downward slope of the selvage edge from not keeping my pleats perfectly straight. I'm going to have to try and correct this when I sew the edges. It shouldn't be a problem.

When I was folding things up to store them away until the next session, I noticed the inside of the pleats. It even looks nice on the inside. I may have enough fabric left to do a traditional X kilt and use this pattern.

More to come...
And yes, I did have the prerequisite adult beverage nearby, it just escaped the piccies.