Victoria! Victorious! Kilt Kamp 2007!
My photos of the weekend are in this album:
They are being presented like this because my visit from Thursday through Sunday was more as a vacationer and tourist... in and out... mixing up kilting with cycling around town... taking pictures.
First, some thank you's - to macman (David) for loaning me the bicycle for this adventure, and to Raphael (Raphael) for being my roomie and guide to the local sites, eateries, and "watering holes." This Mr. Toad had one wild ride!

Also, BIG KILTOS to Steve and Bobbie for opening their shop and home (and their neighbor's home... and their other new shop... and their museum...) to those who came for this wonderful weekend.

Hey, and count all those XMarkers in Steve's post! There are TEN mugs in kilts - PLUS two XMarkers not in the pic, Barb T and Bobbie Ashton.

Anyway, you'll see in my album that I spent much time on the roadways of Victoria (although, you will not see my riding in a kilt on that first drizzly afternoon.
Of much interest to the Nor-Cal Rabble, Raphael and I toured the Dunsmuir Castle. Old man Dunsmuir (Robert) got rich and powerful mining coal here in B.C. and selling it in San Francisco, where his son and sales agent (Alex) built the Dunsmuir House just across the bay in Oakland. Ain't history fun?

For da rest a' youse guys and gals, here's sumptin' ta keep ya warm.


"Listen Men.... You are no longer bound down to the unmanly dress of the Lowlander." 1782 Repeal.
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Lady From Hell vs Neighbor From Hell @ [url][/url]