So I checked my mail today, and guess what? A package was there waiting for me! As I excitedly walk back to my truck I realize what is in there, and decide not to wait until I get back to my room to open it. As I peel open one of those horrid TyvekŪ envelopes, I am greeted with... Another envelope! I remove the second envelope, and steel myself for another fight with that horrid material, but thankfully this one isn't sealed. Unfolding the second envelope, I am greeted with that ever so wonderful smell of leather. I sit there for a bit, just to absorb the aroma before removing this wonderful creation from it's carefully bubble wrapped container. And then the moment of beauty that I'd been waiting for, my new sporran!!

For the normal everyday wear, It has a wonderful black flap.

For those more formalish occasions, It has a beautiful Red Fox fur flap.

Here's the Sporran and Spare flap, side by side.