Greetings everyone.

I haven't had much time to post here for the several months. It seems shifting cicumstances and priorities have a way of shuffling your life around from time to time. Such is way of things.

I have to admit that I'm impressed with the number of new members that have started actively posting in my absense. Forums continue to amaze me with their ability to connect relatively small and dispersed interest groups and give them a global voice. It's good to see that the voice here remains a strong one.

As for myself, I find myself wearing kilts rather infrequently as of late. It seems I've moved more towards the "special occasion" group. We all establish our own individual reasons for wearing kilts and prioritize same. I continue to advocate the tenet that there is no right or wrong to it and there is no black and white to it. Even so, misunderstood cultural and social conditioning continues to disuade more men from experiencing the kilted path. I count myself among the lucky ones.

Anyway, by this time next month, I'll be a grandfather. My wife and I are both looking forward to the arrival of the new family member. Current evidence predicts that this one will be wearing a little kilted skirt in future.

I wish you all well.
