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So, which stripe did ya'll pleat it to?
Since I was a bit uncertain as to which stripe in the XMTS tartan to pleat to, Matt was kind enough to offer the following recommendation -
"If you want my personal reccomendation, if I were making the kilt for myself, I'd pleat to alternate lines (effectively meaning pleat to the sett in a box pleat).
Here's why. I've noticed that F&K's cloth really doesn't want to hold a sharp pleat. Try as I may, I can get nothing better than a soft pleat to hold in it. Other kiltmakers have expressed the same concerns. I had hoped that this would be better in their 16 oz cloth, but I just completed a kilt in this new weight, and I'm having the same issue.
A soft pleat is not neccesarily a bad thing. In fact, Bob Martin reccomends it in his All About Your Kilt. However, in a four yard box pleated kilt, a soft pleat looks much better if the pleats are on the wider side.
So, if you pleat to alternate stripes, this allows you to increase the pleat width by 50%. This will give you much nicer hanging pleats, in my opinion"
Sounded good to me, so I said, "Make it so!" (though in this case I guess I should have said, "Make it sew!"
Happiness? I'd settle for being less annoyed!!!
"I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused." - Declan MacManus
Member of the Clan Donnachaidh Society