Our little town is the county seat of our little county. I actually grew up in the next town over. Nikki is born and raised here. But, we moved here last year as the Real Estate market is chaos in my home town (where we both work and commute to during the week.) So, we got a good deal on our little house and here we are. Anyway, the county fair is about a big a deal as this town gets (since it's the county seat and all.) And, I like to eat. And, nothing beats a big honking turkey leg from the fair. cherry lime-ades, nachos, funnel cakes, roasted corn (ok, so we've been a couple times this year ) Anyway, I was still rather new to kilting this time last year. And, Nikki pretty much refused to let me wear one. Talked me out of it talking about how dusty and dirty it is there. So, I subsided and went be-trousered. Not this year. I informed her I would be "the guy in the kilt" this year and she'd have to deal with it. She's gotten pretty used to the kilt over the last year and some months. So, she didn't give me any grief. I decided I wanted to wear my newly acquired Morrison "red" tonight. The T-shirt is from the little Celt Fest from over this past Summer in Midland, Tx. Can't see it in the picture but I did black boots with black "hose scrunched doon." This was taken with the self timer. And, we by some chance got Winston in there facing the camera. I think the "red eye" light got his attention just before the shutter clicked.